
Posted on 2022-05-16

23-26 August 2022 | 日月潭教師會館



國家同步輻射研究中心提供高亮度、高輝度、及高解析度之X光、真空紫外光、可見光及紅外光的同步輻射光源已廣泛應用於物理、化學、生物、材料、化工、醫學臨床、製藥、綠能、環保、地質、古生物、考古、微機械、電子、及奈米元件等基礎與應用科學的研究,用以提供各學科領域探究物質在不同物理狀態下的材料分子的結構及其特性、元素分析、分子在化學反應過程中的結構變化、二維化學影像與三維斷層影像、及分子的特徵光譜分析。利用同步輻射光源的相關實驗技術已成為跨領域前沿及前瞻科學研究中不可或缺的研究方法。從2016年9月正式啟用的台灣光子源(Taiwan Photon Source, TPS)為目前世界上最亮的同步輻射光源之一,能滿足現代科技與先進科學對超高亮度光束的需求,目前台灣光子源的光束線及實驗站已陸續完成建造並試車,且開放提供各領域科學家進行創新的尖端科學研究。
「第11屆X光科學暑期學校」由國家同步輻射研究中心與國立清華大學生命科學系將於2022年8月23-26日假日月潭教師會館共同舉辦,亦將邀請國立成功大學、財團法人國家衛生研究院(National Health Research Institutes)的學者、醫師、及專家以科普的方式進行知識分享,藉以推動國內X光、紅外光在在生物醫學、生物材料、醫學檢測、藥物設計、及人工智慧(Artifical Intelligence, AI)與機器學習(Machine Learning, ML)在影像重建上的應用,以培養國內對於生醫相關領域有興趣的年輕研究人才並闊展其未來的研究視野。

The synchrotron facility of the National Synchrotron Radiation Research Center (NSRRC) provides synchrotron radiation with high flux, brilliance, and energy resolving power for the spectral range of X-ray, vacuum ultraviolet light, visible light, and mid-infrared light. For decades it has been widely applied in the fields of physics, chemistry, biology, materials, chemical engineering, diagnosis medicine, pharmaceuticals, green energy, environmental science, geology, paleontology, archaeology, micromechanics, electronics, and nano-devices. Based on the advantages of synchrotron radiation, it can be utilized for providing information on materials in varied physical states, element analysis, chemical kinetics and dynamics of chemical reactions, chemical imaging, tomography, and molecular spectroscopy.

Over decades state-of-the-art technologies coupled with accelerator-based light sources have become a popular research method in cutting-edge and pioneer research of varied scientific disciplines. The Taiwan Photon Source (TPS) opened for public use in September 2016 is one of the synchrotron facilities providing ultrahigh-brightness synchrotron radiation light sources to meet the needs of modern technology and advanced science. Currently, TPS beamlines and dedicated experimental endstations have been completed and commissioned, which are ready for providing innovative and cutting-edge scientific research. According to the aim of the X-ray summer school of NSRRC, the 11th 2022 X-ray summer school will mainly introduce the fundamental principle of X-ray technologies to junior scientists, engineers of industrial applications, senior undergraduate and graduate students, and we also open the opportunity to join the activity for researchers who interest in developing synchrotron-radiation-related technologies. The main program of the 11th X-ray summer school will focus on biomedical applications using synchrotron radiation

"The 11th X-ray Science Summer School" will be held by NSRRC and the Department of Physics of National Tsinghua University on August 23-26, 2022 at Sun Moon Lake Teacher's Hostel. The program includes the introduction of basic concepts, technologies, and applications of X-ray (absorption, diffraction, scattering, and tomography), Fourier-transform infrared (FTIR) spectrometry and imaging, and theoretical calculations (molecular mechanics/ molecular dynamics). The scientists and medical doctors will be invited as lecturers from National Cheng Kung University, and National Health Research Institutes (National Health Research Institutes) to share cutting-edge technologies and applications in X-ray and infrared science, biomaterials, drug design, pharmaceutical testing, and spectroscopy and spectral imaging in diagnosis medicine, clinical surveillance, and artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) in image reconstruction. The expectation of the platform of the X-ray summer school is to exchange experiences and brainstorm for attendees for further solidified cooperation, produce ideas and new research interesting, and solve problems.



同步輻射光源是目前科學研究最重要的工具之一,同步輻射所涵蓋的波長從X光至中紅外光,藉由物質的世界與不同波長電磁波的交互作用快速準確的探究生物細胞組織表面醣體的表現與內部胞器的三維結構、蛋白質的晶體結構、及醫學材料的內部幾何結構與電子結構,其應用的層面已經涵蓋到了各個基礎與應用科學研究;如物理、化學、材料、生物、半導體、臨床醫學、製藥、能源、古生物、考古、地質及環境科學等。國家同步輻射研究中心(國輻中心)於1993年完成興建台灣光源(Taiwan Light Source, TLS),使我國擠身於擁有先進加速器光源的國家之列,運作至今其科學研究成果已媲美世界頂尖的研究設施。本課程由國立清華大學生物科學系及國輻中心將訂於2022年暑假期間舉辦第11屆X光科學暑期學校。國輻中心在推廣同步輻射光源的科學應用不遺餘力,同時國輻中心亦在各大學(台大、清大、交大、中央及成大)開設同步輻射光源的科學應用課程積極推廣台灣光子源的大型儀器設施的科學應用,進一步推廣國內在此領域的相關研究並培育國內年輕研究人才。此暑期學校已建立了良好的科學研究與教育的平台,提供國內外各教研人士、年輕學者及學生直接討論及交流,交換研究心得,分享科學知識,促進跨領域的合作及腦力激盪。



本課程將以X光在蛋白質結構分析、生物材料、疫苗研發、藥物設計、結合人工智慧(AI)之X光三維影像判讀、紅外光譜技術在早期癌症檢測與腎臟病監控的臨床應用以及在精準醫療上的應用,融入AI影像的判讀(透過Google Cloud AI進行)、Python及Visual Basic在數據及影像分析的基礎程式設計,介紹最新的技術與應用研究並加入程式設計的教學的新元素以輔助學員實驗數據分析並建立架構演算法的基礎能力,將邀請數位用戶講員包含臨床醫師介紹其在生物醫學及臨床相關的研究應用以及國家同步輻射研究中心專家介紹實驗技術。




1. Protein Micro-crystallography

2. Micro-focus Protein Crystallography

3. Transmission X-ray Microscope (TXM)

4. Soft X-ray Tomography (SXT)

5. Biological small angle X-ray scattering (Bio-SAXS)

6. FTIR imaging

Meeting Official Language: Chinese



謝達斌 講座教授

葉晨聖 講座教授

蘇安仲 教授

伍素瑩 研究員

張壯榮 副教授

鄭惠春 助理教授




陳俊榮 博士

鄭有舜 博士

李耀昌 博士


莊偉綜 博士


賴麗珍 博士


許火順 博士


王俊杰 博士

李泰岳 博士

陳乃齊 博士

殷廣鈐 博士








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